What Outsiders Character Are You?

This is a quiz that takes your personality and decides what character from The Outsiders you are. Please note that the last five questions will not affect which character you get and are there for your enjoyment.

Please answer each question HONESTLY to the best of your abilities. The answers provided may not exactly be what your personal so please answer with the one that applies to you the most.

Created by: Not Available
  1. You meet a hot boy/girl at the movies, what do you do?
  2. You see someone else getting pushed around, what do you do? (Remember to answer as honestly as possible!)
  3. Your friend just killed a really mean person, how do you react?
  4. Someone you know has been getting themselves into some trouble, and have been hurting people of another social status along with others. What do you do?
  5. Which of the following would best represent your personality?
  6. The following questions have no effect on your result. Which of the following do you like best?
  7. Which is your favorite?
  8. Would you prefer...
  9. Select the one you have done
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Outsiders Character am I?
