Which Sport Are You Most Suited To?

A lot of people enjoy sport. And you are probably one of them. Football, rugby, cricket and a whole lot more! But which one? Well, that can be difficult to work out for some people.

Is it difficult for you? Well, it probably is since you are taking this quiz (many thanks for that!) But hopefully this will help. However, if you don't like the sport you get, go for the second or third sport. Whatever you enjoy.

Created by: Josh Jenner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you tall or short?
  2. Are you heavy or light?
  3. Which of these is your favourite?
  4. Are you determined?
  5. Which of these people do you idolise most?
  6. Are you aggressive?
  7. Are you tolerant to pain?
  8. Do you contain a lot of endurance (can you keep going physically for a long period of time)?
  9. Do you like team sports or single sports more?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Sport am I Most Suited To?