Which Smitty Senior Are You?

It's time to bid the Seniors farewell. Such a unique group of people, no one could have anticipated. As they leave, we'll take their place. We've created this quiz to see who you most resemble out of the gang that leaves this May.

Do you have what it takes to compare to the great class of '07? Try to be unbiased in your answers and go with your heart. Take this quiz to see whose shoes you'll be filling next year.

Created by: MissStickBug
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Think back over what's made you laugh. Describe your sense of humor:
  2. You're with a group of friends. How do you act in social situations?
  3. Go to your mirror/closet. Which of these fits your 'look'?
  4. You got into Smittcamp somehow. Why?
  5. Look down. What are you wearing?
  6. Okay, pull up iTunes. What's playing?
  7. Suppose we all took a vote. You wouid be "Most Likely to..."
  8. Alarm goes off. What's your first thought when you get up in the morning?
  9. You're part of the X-Men. What's your secret power?
  10. Okay, last question. What did we forget?

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Quiz topic: Which Smitty Senior am I?