Which slitheen are you from doctor who?

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This quiz will determine what slitheen member you are from the tv series doctor who. The slitheen are 8 foot tall humanoid with massive claws and a thirst for profit.

You hide in skin suits using compression tecnology that makes you fart. The farting is something all slitheen love because they find the relief when they do it is fantastic.

Created by: Slitheen fart master
  1. What gender are you
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. Whats your preferred method of killing?
  4. Whats your favourite phrase?
  5. Would you rather be?
  6. Do you enjoying farting
  7. What fart phrase is your favourite?
  8. What disguise do you prefer?
  9. What pace would you unzip at?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which slitheen am I from doctor who?

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