Which Psychoneurotic are u

Lets see if U are a genius at guitar playin u da next ozzy Bob Marley Do U rock or not Larry U rock YES Go ROCKgo to the site at the psycho neurotics dot zoomshare dot com yeah

Or if u da next homeless person Man dat wuld suck nuts PLAY ON Or the myspace just go to links sucker Myspace RulesYES Go ROCKgo to the site at the psycho neurotics dot zoomshare dot com yeah

Created by: Seth of The Psychoneurotics
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wat kind of music do u like
  2. Well do u play guitar
  3. DO U ROCK
  4. Do u believe u can play??
  5. Are u gay (doesnt matter)
  6. Wat is ur fav thing
  7. Do u like ur bf/gf (dont matter)
  8. Wat do u rock wit
  9. Do u write songs
  10. Did u rock ur mom last nite

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