which one direction member is yours, based on your road trip

you remember one direction right. of course, you do, they are only the best group ever. so while they are taking their time to get back together take this awesome quiz. have a great time. goo luck

plan your ideal awesome road trip, by choosing your options through this virtual road trip planner, then find out which one direction member you are destined to be with. have fun and good luck

Created by: onedirection123
  1. the road trip has officially started. before yous head off, you go to buy lots of food for the trip. what do you get?
  2. okay. now its time to choose where yous go first, and who you go with
  3. okay the first song coming up, what do you choose
  4. you decide to prank call your best friend/fav celeb who is getting the phone call
  5. you run through your checklist again to make sure you have got everything, what is the thing on top of your checklist.
  6. you have arrived at your first destination. where are you staying?
  7. okay its night time, you have had dinner, what time are you going to bed
  8. ok, you have woken up and time to get changed what are you wearing.
  9. where are you visiting first
  10. who is your favourite 1d member (doesn't affect your answer)

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Quiz topic: Which one direction member is mys, based on my road trip
