how well do you know one direction

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this is a quiz for all you directions out there. good luck. make them proud. if you don't do well this time then I'm sure you will do better next time. just go watch their funny videos and all their music.

do you love one direction? me too. this quiz is for all the directions out their desperate for them to come back again. well in the meantime take this quiz. have fun and good luck.

Created by: directioner for life
  1. what song did harry styles sing for his x factor audition
  2. where was Niall Horan born
  3. who sang the line in "forget you" that goes,"oh I really hate you right now"
  4. which two band members share a middle name
  5. who sings the line, "every time we touch I'm all shook up" in the song better than words
  6. Louis likes girls who...
  7. finish the sentence " can anyone hear... "
  8. who co-written "little things"
  9. what did harry buy when 1ds new album up all night was a success and made the charts
  10. what does Niall have a phobia of
  11. Niall borrowed Harrys ....... without asking.
  12. what is the name of Louis beloved pigeon
  13. what did one bandmate want the band to be called?
  14. what was the name of Harrys previous band
  15. finish the lyric you know ill be, your life, your voice, your
  16. NO ..... protested
  17. who wore the American flag onesie in video diaries
  18. which superhero did Louis dress up as in video diaries
  19. which one direction member originally auditioned as a solo singer on x-factor in 2008
  20. will one direction get back together

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Quiz topic: How well do I know one direction
