Which MLB Player Are You

this quiz is for all those MLB fans. This quiz shows which baseball player you are out of 5 great players. which major league baseball player are you?

are you Chipper, Babe, Nolan, Clayton, or Mike? you will have the chance to find out which one you are with this quiz, and if you don't know who these people are then might as well not take it.

Created by: matt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how strong is your arm
  2. how powerful is your swing
  3. what position are you
  4. how fast are you
  5. are you a team player
  6. do you just care about the money
  7. how strong are you
  8. how many innings can you last
  9. can you read the bounce of the ball
  10. how predictable are ypu

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Quiz topic: Which MLB Player am I