Which ,Mean Girls girl are you?

If you are about to take this quiz, I hope you have already seen the movie Mean Girls. If you haven't, come out from under the rock that you are living in, and watch it!

Want to know what Plastic you are? Deep, deep down, are you Regina? Gretchen? Karen? or Cady? This quiz will determine which girl you are, and I wish you luck!

Created by: CLAUDIA
  1. What kind of hair would you want?
  2. What is the name of your crush?
  3. What do you like best about school?
  4. You are smarter than most people would think
  5. Have you seen the movie Mean Girls?
  6. What is your favorite Christmas song?
  7. How do you deal with girls that you don't like?
  8. What is the answer?
  9. What is your favorite Mean Girls quote?
  10. Mean Girls 1 or 2?

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Quiz topic: Which ,Mean Girls girl am I?