Which Lord Of The Rings Race Are You?

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What LOTR race are you? Could you be an Elf? Maybe a Hobbit or Dwarf? Possibly even an Orc? The races of Middle Earth are diverse and unique, but only one is like you. Where would you belong in Tolkien's world?

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Created by: cakes
  1. What are you generally in a group of friends?
  2. What are you more of?
  3. Which describes you best?
  4. You are usually the one who...
  5. Which of these is your favorite?
  6. What would your friends say you were?
  7. Which place would you like to live in Middle Earth?
  8. Do you make new friends easily?
  9. What sounds close to what you would do on a day off?
  10. Which sounds most similar to you?
  11. Which describes you best?
  12. What is something you struggle with?
  13. Rate your confidence level.

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Quiz topic: Which Lord Of The Rings Race am I?
