Which Lolan Region are you from?

Insert randomness here: sfynvb\sggvnb\nsgtvfb\ksnbvfy\TIWDBGtsgtbtfkdgf\zfg\hdgf\ghfhg\hgh\ghgghgh\ghddgh\ghg\g\sgdhhhvbngbv..v/vjvhvhvnvhxdnygtyrnrgvvkzuyusutgnzustgzusegtuystyggnvngvngnvgnvgngvngvgnnvgnvnvnnvnvnvnnvnvcjnhfhfhfhfhhfhxjjdhghfhjhgfxhgxghhghjgh

In my upcoming story, "Elementals of Lolan" there are four regions. This quiz is designed to calculate which one you'd belong to. Are you a sporty Rikonian like D'mar, a wtaer loving Kairanian like Xin, or maybe a firey urban Lasaimian? Only one way to find out!

Created by: MewMaker142
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite place to be?
  2. Which colour group from the following do you like the most?
  3. Waht would you do if your house burnt down?!
  4. What kind of music do you like?
  5. What is your favourite animal?
  6. What do you think of Dragons?
  7. Can u swim?
  8. Where would you like to end up? (No effect on score)
  9. Pic 1 off deez
  10. Was this fun?

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Quiz topic: Which Lolan Region am I from?