Which Jade winglet do you like

Hey if you are taking this quiz you will know at the end who you like in the Jade winglet. and please do my Quiz and tell all your friends and parents!

THANK YOU FOR TAKING THIS QUIZ!!!remember to tell all your friends, family and even your pets about me! SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME! BEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Jojetblack
  1. Let's start easy first who would you like to be?
  2. What colour do you like best?
  3. What type of emoji is you?
  4. would you like to live in
  5. which Queen would you alley with?
  6. what food do you like?
  7. If you and Winter ended up together what is your reaction?
  8. if you ended up with Winter what will your reaction be?
  9. Thorn is now the new sandwing queen, but she was not born with royal blood what will you do?
  10. will you like this and comment?

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Quiz topic: Which Jade winglet do I like
