which jade Winglet are you? wings of fire

Hey, guys if you do my quiz it is about who you are in the Jade Winglet. hope you find out. ENJOY THE QUIZ! But first, I hope you get the one you want. See you after the Quiz

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Created by: Jojetblack
  1. do you like the color do you like
  2. are you
  3. would you rather live in the ... or the ... or ...
  4. do you play
  5. do you have siblings?
  6. if you're in a fight will you
  7. whats your favorite card game?
  8. what tip of food do you like
  9. did you see a scavenger before?
  10. Am I stupid?
  11. how many siblings do I have?

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Quiz topic: Which jade Winglet am I? wings of fire
