Which jade winglet dragon are u??

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This quiz was wrote by: winter kinkajou moon turtle peril and JEBB for scavengers to read about our feelings and these lucky scavengers will TURN INTO DRAGONS

Hope you liked this quiz leave a huge smile! I did this quiz because I LOVE jade winglet and ima scavenger writing this and soon (as said in the befor U WILL TURN INTO A DRAGON

Created by: Jebb
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is you favorite food
  3. This is who do you agree with?
  5. Do you have a crush on some one?
  6. Do you wish you were a different tribe (I’m guessing no)
  7. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
  8. Do you like scavengers??
  9. Who is you favorite dragonet??
  10. Winner winner question!!

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