Which Fruits Basket character`s personality is like yours? | Comments

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  • Which Fruits Basket character`s personality is like yours?

    Your Result: Kyo Sohma 86%

    You`re personality is most like Kyo Sohma`s, the cat. You lash out more often then most, but you have a soft side you don`t want anyone to see. You love to fight, and you flip out on people when they least expect it. You run you`re mouth sometimes without thinking first, and martial arts wuold be a good thing to take to calm you down.

    56% Kagura Sohma
    28% Tohru Honda
    20% Yuki Sohma
    16% Akito Sohma

    Lets go! I'm kind and emotional but I also have quite a bit of a temper that I need to work on

    Bakdeku child
  • Ngl, I'm not suprised that I got Kyo. Like Kyo, I get mad randomly, yell at people, and stuff like that. (That's probably why hes my favorite character)

    kyo sohma 18
  • You`re personality is a lot like Tohru Honda`s, the ever optimistic heroine of the entire series. You make mistakes without meaning to, and you`re very polite and happy, ALL THE TIME! You can be annoying without knowing it, and you sometimes don`t know what to do in a crisis, and you are very protective of the people you care about.

  • Awh, I got Tohru! That makes me happy. ^v^

  • Your Result: Yuki Sohma

    You`re personality is almost identical to Yuki Sohma`s. You`re quiet and soft-spoken, but you are very polite and sometimes very sweet. You sometimes wish that you can just lash out in anger, and you`re great at fighting.

    oh look! this result wasn' on the other fruit baskets charrie quiz i took, which must've been why i didn't get something very accurate. i haven't watched fruit basket yet, but i SO want to. and yuki is like my DOPPELGANGER in pesonalitie

  • I got Yuki. I dont really know Fruit Basket that good but the quiz was good and well written. Good Job. :) [thumbsup]

  • i got Akito too,even tho i didn't even know the show exsited. :P

  • I got Akito... why does this not suprise me? xD I'm mostly like Haru, but he wasn't an option. :p


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