Which Chris would you marry?

Aren't the Chris's from hollywood hot!!! I know right. We love their abs and good looks. That why we made this quiz to represent them. WE LOVE CHRIS'S

If you are a chris taking this quiz please contact (555) 555 5555! WE LOVE CHRIS'S. enjoy our chris quiz and find out what chris your meant to be with.

Created by: Chris of Which Chris would you marry
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the one trait you look for in a guy?
  2. Do you find yourself most attracted to...
  3. Whats your favourite movie?
  4. What is your ideal age in a man?
  5. What is your preferred eye colour in a chris
  6. Whats your ideal height in yo man
  7. Whats your favourite colour
  8. Lettuce
  9. Tomato
  10. potato

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