Which character from The Path Untaken are you?

Have you read "The Path Untaken"? This novel from new author Haris Malik chronicles a few quirky teen characters: Alistair, Alexandra, Raymond, Luke and Ashley.

Each of these characters are relate-able in their own ways but which one are you most like? Have fun taking this quiz and finding out who you're most like.

Created by: Haris Malik
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're playing a team sport with friends and your team lose badly, how do you react?
  2. You like your best friend's girlfriend/boyfriend, how do you approach this?
  3. You get a bad grade on a test, what do you do?
  4. Favorite kind of car?
  5. How are your grades?
  6. Are you a boy or a girl?
  7. Have you read the Path Untaken?
  8. Do you smoke or drink?
  9. Are you forgiving?
  10. Do you workout?

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Quiz topic: Which character from The Path Untaken am I?