Which Canterwood girl are you?

Hi! It's me again, Hannah Cookie/CCAgirl. Today I made another quiz on which Canterwood character you are. Now, you can see which character you are. :D

The choices of who you could be are from the first half of the series, including the infamous Jasmine. I left out Brit, but the remaining chance you have is Sasha, Jasmine, Callie, Paige, and the trio.

Created by: Hannah Cookie of this site
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  1. What do you do on weekends?
  2. Who are your friends?
  3. Winter ball! What do you wear?
  4. Your friend's BF is really hot. Dang him?
  5. Movie night! What do you watch?
  6. The belles ask you to ride at night. Yes? No?
  7. New girl. Nice? Mean?
  8. Jasmine just got expelled. Happy? Sad?
  9. New years eve! What will you do?
  10. How will you decorate your dorm?

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Quiz topic: Which Canterwood girl am I?
