Which Canterwood girl are u?

Today, we are going to do a short quiz on which character you are in Canterwood Crest. The options are Sasha, Paige, Julia, Heather, Alison, and Jasmine

Visit GoToQuiz more often, and try the quiz, Do you know Canterwood Crest? at gotoquiz.com/IJgq4It means a lot to know that you are doing this quiz, and have fun!

Created by: Hannah Cookie
  1. Hey! Hannah Cookie here, now let's jump right in to this quiz, OK? What do you do on weekends?
  2. Who are you're friends?
  3. How would your friends describe you?
  4. What do you do with your friends?
  5. How do you get in contact with the world when no one is around, and you have a secret you're itching to spill?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. Hmm . . . let me see. It is time to show Ms. Utz your class schedule. You can only pick one class by yourself. What do you choose?
  8. Well, who can you most relate to?
  9. What would you wear to your friend's b-day?
  10. OK, last one. Who do you think you are? We'll see in a moment!

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