Canterwood crest quiz

Hello! In this quiz you will figure out if you are Sasha Silver, Heather Fox, Paige Parker or Callie Harper from the Canterwood crest series by Jessica Burkhart.The questions will test you on who you are.

In it You will face choices that you will have to decide. Also if you have not read the Canterwood crest series yet, go read it! It has 10 books in the series and the people have to make choices. Good luck!

Created by: Mikayla
  1. Where do you go at break?1. Small town 2. Big city3. Cooking show 4. Campus
  2. In your spare time you...1. Ride horses 2. Gossip and do your nails 3. Cook4. Meet with boyfriend
  3. Your horse...1. Chestnut 2. Brown horse3. Random, I borrow horses4. Black horse
  4. Best friends...1. Sasha Silver 2. Heather Fox 3. Paige Parker 4. Callie Harper
  5. I am...1. Caring and kind 2. Rude and kind 3. Fun and bubbly 4. Caring but jealous
  6. Chosen classes...1. Health, English, theatre and riding 2. Theatre, health, math and riding 3. Theatre, English math and cooking 4. History, Science math and riding
  7. Crush on...1. Eric2. Ben3. No one 4. Jacob
  8. My favourite place...1. Room2. Stable 3. Sweet shoppe4. Classes
  9. Favourite class1. Theatre 2. Riding 3. Cooking 4. Riding
  10. Horse name...1. Charm2. Aristocrat3. Borrow horses 4. Black jack

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