Which Bella Sara Horse are You?

Do you collect Bella Sara cards? What about the rest of the stuff? Ever wonder which horse you are? Would you be Fiona, Bella, Thunder, Nike, or Jewel?

Now you can find out! Take this short quiz to see who YOU would be as a horse in North of North. (This doesn't include a lot of the horses, just the main 5.)

Created by: Lauren Henhugger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 1. What do you spend your free-time doing?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What's your favorite breed of horse?
  4. What would you collect?
  5. How many books do you read in a month?
  6. How would you describe yourself
  7. Which of the following colors is your favorite?
  8. Which animal of the following is your favorite?
  9. Which superpower would you like to have the most?
  10. Which pet would you like to own (this does not include any pet you already have)?

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Quiz topic: Which Bella Sara Horse am I?