Where Should I teach?

There are many schools for teachers to teach in and sometimes it is overwhelming where to begin. This quiz was created to help point teachers in a direction so that they can begin researching particular types of schools.

Are you unsure which type of school you should teach in? Take this quiz to help point you in the right direction! This is only a place to start, there are many options for different types of schools and you should look into them all!

Created by: Amanda of Where Should I Teach?
(your link here more info)
  1. Having academic freedom in the classroom is very important to me.
  2. Small Class sizes are important to me.
  3. I believe that students should have a vote in how they learn.
  4. The arts (i.e music, painting, singing, and dancing) are a very important part of education
  5. Should children learn through prepared activities that they freely choose?
  6. Should children set their own learning pace?
  7. Should teachers assign grades to students?
  8. Is it important for you to teach in a school where you can express religious beliefs?
  9. Having new materials in my classroom is important to me.
  10. Having a more diverse student population is important to me.
  11. Having a higher salary is important to me.
  12. Having a strong teacher support system is important to me.
  13. I want to teach in a school that is very structured.

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