where in the school foodchain are u?

Where are you on the school foodchain? do people like you for who you are or just because youre popular?Maybe you oughta take a dump at school more often or stop peeing on the floor of the toilet and blaming it on a dweeb.find your iner dump thats clogged in your intestine.xxxxxxxxxx

take this quiz to find out if youre the person you think you are. this test is based on real people and the results are TRUE.when you take this quiz you may wanna change your act at school or your sense of syle or good grades find out NOW!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Created by: liz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what sort of clothes do you wear
  2. what level student are you?
  3. What age was youre first kiss?
  4. what build are you?
  5. whats your idea of a good day out?
  6. What is your favourite food?
  7. what is your favourite music?
  8. Whats your favourite tv show
  9. Whos your favourite actor?
  10. what do u want to work as when your older
  11. which of these would you class yourself?

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