When I first started with Sonadow Quiz

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So in this quiz,you will answer questions based on me.Here you will test your knowledge on how well you guys know me.All of the info of me watching Sonadow is a little tricky but I wanted to make it like that

To do it you have to answer the following questions.GOOD LUCK AND THINK HARD PEEPS!!!!TRY YOUR BEST AND DON'T GIVE UP!!!! HAVE A GOOD TIME AND ALWAYS PERSEVERE!!!!!

Created by: Maleah Rose Rivera
  1. What age did I first discover Sonadow?
  2. Who do I like as Uke in their relationship?
  3. What makes me feel that I like Sonadow?(P.S:TWO OUT OF THE FOUR ARE THE CORRECT ANSWERS!!!!)
  4. How did I find out about Sonadow?
  5. Why do like Sonadow?
  6. Why do I still watch Sonadow?
  7. What is my favorite thing about Sonic being a Uke?
  8. How did Sonadow change my life?
  9. Why is Sonadow a great thing to me?
  10. How did you feel about taking the quiz?

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