What zoey101 character are you

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(Sorry I made a mistake... It's to know your zoey101 soulmate)

do you want to know who from the hit tv show zoey101 will be perfect for you? Then go here and now

Created by: Alexis
  1. Are you a fan
  2. Where would he/she take you on a date
  3. You have a crush on this person...you
  4. You have a friend who has a crush... You
  5. Sushi rod just burned...you
  6. Fashion disaster!!! You wake up...bad hair day!!! Search for clothes and find that only your ugly outfits are left because it wasn't cleaned
  7. You cat make any hoops what do you do?
  8. You kneed to find out if your crush likes you.so you will...
  9. Your crush found out you had a crush on them what do you do?
  10. Are you a girl or a boy
  11. What is your absolute worst zoey101 character?
  12. For a movie job title would be...
  13. The chance to go to PCA? Yes?
  14. Your dream job
  15. Hang in there you are almost finished... Who is the hottest girl in zoey101(for boys) or who is the hottest guy in Zoey101(for girls)

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Quiz topic: What zoey101 character am I