What would you write if someone asked you "1+1=" | Comments

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  • What would you write if someone asked you "1+1="

    Your Result: 1+1=3

    You are a comedian. People think of you as funny, and optimistic. You can always find a way to make your friends laugh even when what you said was corny

    1+1=the vibrant colors of a stained glass window


    lol i liked this quiz. i changed one of my answers and got 1+1= the vibrant colors of a stained glass window and it fit too!

  • What would you write if someone asked you "1+1="

    Your Result: 1+1=2

    You are a mathematician. You like to think of things factually and logically. You are very straightforward and your favorite subject is, well, math and you enjoy science as well

  • 1+1= WINDOW!! im an artist lol. I actualy talk a lot though but my books are covered with doodles(i have a short attention span)

    and i liked this quiz, EVEN the music question. It was good. I dont think you have to choose anything.

    Too me
  • lol i got 1+1=3

  • Why the hell werent in he favorite singer question, there was no guy singer? this quiz sucked. Go to "THE TERRORIST TEST" its a much better quiz than this one.

  • Cool..I'm a writer but that doesn't mean that my answer to 1+1 is equal not 2...hehehe..by the way..check this quiz out..

    Athelors: Which of the 4 chosen ones are you?

  • a mathematician? well i like to be an engineer but i'm really logical and i've got full bars.

  • i dont like brittany spears, taylor swift and especially NOT MILEY CYRUS!! get some better musicians.

  • You said, and I quote, "8. Who's your favorite singer?

    Britney Spears
    I don't listen to music
    Taylor Swift
    Miley Cyrus"

    really? each of those 3 need a separate category? you were completely unable to maybe say, "

    -Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus
    -Some other type of musician
    -Another musician"
    or something along those lines?

    E Lunatic

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