What would my FMA OC Emily Smith think of you? | Comments

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  • What would my FMA OC Emily Smith think of you?

    Your Result: Best Friends Forever. 92%

    Emily would never let you get hurt. You are like her family,making her scared to lose you. She would even go through rhe Colonels lectures for you. You mean just as much as ramen to her.

    90% Friends
    26% Worst Enemys
    19% Dislike
    Awe some XP

    Jinx Blackclaw
  • 94% best freinds forever Cool

  • Ah- I finally figured out how to comment on here ^^

    It's me, May's admin-

  • What would my FMA OC Emily Smith think of you?

    Your Result: Friends

    88% Emily likes you! You made a good first impression and Emily would give her life for you! Em also would try to make you smile! But be careful,she doesnt trust you fully yet!

    88% Best Friends Forever.
    8% Worst Enemys
    6% Dislike


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