What WoF Animus dragon are you?

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Hello! this is a quiz to find out what Animus you are! You may notice I left Albatross out. this is because well...You'll know why if you read the story on Darkstalker---Legends.

Once again I give credit to the artists I use the art of. they are so amazing and they truly do something that I could never do. Thanks again! -OrbWeaverTheHiveWing

Created by: OrbWeaverTheHiveWing
  1. What is your favorite color? (out of these)
  2. If you could do anything would you...
  3. What tribe do you like best? (Phyrrian only)
  4. Who is the best Arc 1 Queen?
  5. What pet should I get?
  6. What music genre do you like? (out of these)
  7. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
  8. What is your age?
  9. What is your fav food?
  10. Last question: favorite style

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Quiz topic: What WoF Animus dragon am I?
