Are You An Animus?

You will take this quiz to find out if you are an animus. You are taking this quiz probably because you want to be an animus. This quiz will determine if you are an animus.

If you don't like your result I am sorry, and hope you find a different quiz that you enjoy. Please do not leave rude things in the comments. I hop y'all like my quiz! Good luck!

Created by: Firefly
  1. What would you do with a million dollars?
  2. Who are your friends?
  3. Are you mean?
  4. What do you to after school?
  5. What tribe are you?
  6. What would you enchant? (If you were an animus)
  7. What would be the enchantment?
  8. Would you care about your soul? Would you protect it?
  9. How do you like this quiz?
  10. Who is your dad/mom?

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Quiz topic: Am I An Animus?
