Are You a WoF Animus?

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Are you a WoF Animus? You are going to find out now! --(hopefully)-- please check out some of my other quizzes like, " How well do you know SeaWings?", "How well do you know SandWings", and "What Pantalan Tribe Are You? (Hogwarts House Included!)"

Thank you for choosing this quiz! Please give me feedback if possible, I'd like to know if I did anything wrong! Please, don't be hateful, I'm really sensitive and take a lot of things too personally.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What tribe are you from? (if you're a hybrid, choose your maternal tribe)
  2. If someone offers to hire you to kill your queen, what would you do?
  3. RP time!
  4. So you are waiting for your egg to hatch (BTW your female sry if you don't like that) and the egg starts to feel tingly. What do you do?
  5. It hatches. A little NightWing pops out. Your not a Nightwing though... Weird. He looks exactly like The Darkstalker. What is your reaction?
  6. Do you want to be an animus?
  7. You get word that Darkstalker is planning to kill Moonwatcher. What do you do?
  8. I don't wanna do 10 questions so the next two are random and don't count for you final score k.
  9. Do you/have you watched Dragonsheep Studios?
  10. Goodbye

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Quiz topic: Am I a WoF Animus?
