Are You An Animus?

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an animus well you are just in luck cus´ this is THE test. Oh and just to warn you there are 3 results you can get after the test (Animus, Evil Animus, and not an animus)

Have fun with this quiz and share it with friends! Please I worked really hard on this and I hope you like it oh also I'm sorry if you do not get the answer you wanted.

Created by: Dragonsheep
  1. First of all what would you do when you found out you where an animus.
  2. The Seawing queen invites you to dinner and you want a chance to talk to anemone when you see her you say...
  3. What is YOUR favorite color?
  4. In the morning you travel to the dessert and you run into Queen thorn, what do you do?
  5. Alright last Question: are you an...
  6. Just kidding! There are more! What would you do if you liked another dragon?
  7. Do you get upset easily?
  8. OK for real last question. What would you do if someone was bullying you?
  9. Oh actually I have more XD. What is your best trait.
  10. YEAH THIS MATTERS!!! What result do you want.

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Quiz topic: Am I An Animus?
