Are you an Animus Dragon?

This quiz is for WINGS OF FIRE fans. this test will not make sense if you are not a fan this test is not for you so go away. I do hope you do read the series.

This test is if you where a dragon type of questions. I test your answers to see if you are really made for power. I myself would use them for evil and selfish needs so if you want have the knowledge that your a good person then you will want not to be an animus.

Created by: RoxBox:fox
  1. Have you read the WINGS OF FIRE series?
  2. What dragon tribe is the best?
  3. If you were a dragon in the time of the Sandwing war what would you do first?
  4. Would you cook your meat?
  5. What is the best time to fly?
  6. What is the worst tribe?
  7. How would you feel about queens?
  8. Who has the best power in Pyrrhia?
  9. What do you rely on during battles?
  10. Do you like the Dragonets of Destiny?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Animus Dragon?
