What is your WoF Name, Personality and Tribe?

Hello Everyone! Its Natalie Smith again! This time i've made a quiz for fun! I hope you all enjoy it! You can either end up as a NightWing, SandWing, IceWing, SeaWing, SkyWing, MudWing or RainWing.

In this quiz you answer questions about yourself or your dragon oc. All of these are my oc's so please don't be offended by their personalities! Enjoy!

Created by: Natalie smith
  1. What is your favorite group of colors?
  2. What do you do for fun?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. Boy or girl?
  5. What is the best gift you've ever recivied?
  6. Do you have siblings?
  7. Orphan?
  8. Adult, Teen or Kid?
  9. Popular?
  10. What are/were your grades like?
  11. Finally, Favorite sound?

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Quiz topic: What is my WoF Name, Personality and Tribe?
