wings of fire which tribe are you

hello, welcome to my first quiz. this quiz has five questions about the ten ( or eleven ) tribes. I really hope you like the quiz! (I am sorry that I do not know what else to write in this paragraph )

in this quiz you can get results as a rainwing, silkwing, nightwing, icewing, seawing, leafwing, skywing, sandwing, hivewing, or a mudwing. I am not going to say my real name ever. I hope you like this quiz.

Created by: straberry
  1. which is your favorite color
  2. what type of food do (or want) you eat
  3. where do you want to live
  4. you are almost done with the quiz
  5. which tribe do you think you will get
  6. I am sorry there are more questions you can answer them randomly because they count as nothing.
  7. I will type randomly
  8. hfjae
  9. sgf
  10. rehsgh

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Quiz topic: Wings of fire which tribe am I
