What Wings Of Fire character are you out of the main five?

Well you lime wings of fire. good for you. coinxedenteley, so do i! i also love hamburgers do you? ok good. also im sorry for andy spelling or grammar errors

why do i have to do two of these paragraph? isnt one enough? well, isnt it? i think so. but its all about you so if you like it... i guess ok. thanks

Created by: kitcat123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. we wiol be going through a story, tell me your reactions!
  2. Ok, a scavenger has waked up to you and has offered you jewels. They look like they Could be queen Scarlets. What do you do?
  3. Queen Scarlet has found out that ou dared to look at her jewels! You are imprisoned. What do you do?
  4. You escaped with your friends and are now on the run. Where do you go?
  5. You find yourself alone and talons are grabbing you, you are blindfolded and dont know where you are. What do you do.
  6. what is your favorite of the main five?
  7. di you ike this quiz?
  8. eybdooG!
  9. :]
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What Wings Of Fire character am I out of the main five?