What Warrior cat are y0u?, my Quiz

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This quiz is a test on your Warrior knowledge, and also just a test about your knowledge on cats.you can take this test to find out what warrior cat you are.

I hope you have fun taking this test and like the cat you get.if not, well bad luck, and your warrior knowledge is dull, i hope you have fun taking this.

Created by: victoria
  1. If you had Greencough, what medicine would you get from the Medicine cat?
  2. How many cat do you have to ask before you find one that says Youow instead of Meow?
  3. How many colours do you want in your pelt?
  4. Would you have kits or continue being a warrior?
  5. What would you do if you could choose what you did first as an Apprentice?
  6. What best describes a warrior cat?
  7. Are there enough clans in the forest?
  8. What animal is not a threat in the series?
  9. What type of cat are you?
  10. did you like this Quiz?

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