What warrior are you?

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This quiz is about what warrior you would most likely to be if you where one. This is my first quiz in gotoquiz and probably my last, I might do more in the future hopefully.

Most of my of my information came from [no urls] and other information came from other people on the Internet. All the warriors descriptions are fully true.

Created by: Paud k
  1. Why would become a warrior?
  2. Which do you think is the best motto you would have?
  3. Which is most important to you?
  4. If you were surrounded and outnumber 4 to 1 what would you do?
  5. Would you die for your cause
  6. Which is most valuable to you?
  7. What skill would you want
  8. Who would be must important to you
  9. How would you like to die
  10. What motivates you the most

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Quiz topic: What warrior am I?