What Type Of Scary Are You?

So... We all have our scary moments right?? We all like to give people a bit of a fright? But just how much does your personality scare other people?

Well - if you take this you will find out whether its all a charade and whether or not you should carry on trying to make people gasp in shock... From the littlest things to the massive obvious ones.

Created by: Kristina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone set a hose pipe on you what would you do?
  2. Whats most true about yourself??
  3. Your friends are mostly...
  4. Do you get scared...
  5. If you fell unconcious in a puddle would you??
  6. Red =
  7. McFly Are...
  8. My shoes are...
  9. Mostly likely to say...
  10. In my opinion im...

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Scary am I?