What type of National Socialist are you?

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National Socialism is a worldview and political ideology founded in 1920 in Germany by Adolf Hitler when he took over the German Workers Party and renamed it into the National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazi Party. He would go on to become dictator of Germany from 1933-1945. National Socialism is based on Nationalism, Anti-Freemasonry, Anti-Judaism, Anti-Capitalism, racialism, and authoritarianism. National Socialism has been adapted and revised my many individuals and organizations to suit their own beliefs and nations.

If you are a National Socialist then what kind of National Socialist are you. I have identified six main kinds of National Socialism. What king of National Socialist are you? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Sure Bed
  1. How should the economy be structured?
  2. Should we have a system of voting in our state?
  3. What should our national religion be?
  4. What is our stance on leadership
  5. What shall our form of Nationalism be?
  6. What’s our stance on Stalinism?
  7. Should we have a market system or a planned economy?
  8. What is your stance on Capitalism?
  9. Was Hitler a traitor to National Socialism
  10. Is the Aryan race superior to all others
  11. What is your stance on Marxism?
  12. What is our stance on Esotericism?
  13. What is your opinion of Spanish Esotericist and philosopher Julius Evola?
  14. Should other races be enslaved
  15. What should the state structure be in our nation?

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Quiz topic: What type of National Socialist am I?

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