What type of Authcenter are you?

The Authcenter is an Authoritarian who isn’t Communist or Capitalist. This area also called the “third position” contains Syndicalism and Corporatism.

Which Authoritarian Centre ideology are you? There are 4 I included. Hitlerite National Socialism, Fascism, Clerical Fascism, and Socialist Nationalism.

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. My economy would be a
  2. Imperialist control over our country is a major problem
  3. The Jews are responsible for most of the Aryan Race’s problems
  4. The Aryan Race is superior
  5. Religion is deeply important to me
  6. Pan-Nationalism and Racial Nationalism is good
  7. I favor totalitarianism
  8. Socialism should be based on
  9. Abortion should be
  10. I support Eugenics

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Quiz topic: What type of Authcenter am I?