Which micronation do you belong to?

Unsure about which micro nation to join? This is fun quiz that helps you determine which micronation should you apply for citizenship. A micronation is a small area or political entity that claims national sovereignty but is not recognized by other sovereign states. Let me introduce some to you.

Aerican Empire: A country with a lot of silliness and sci-if elements.Empire of Austenasia: They like the Roman Empire. Their official religion is Christianity.Westarctica/Flandrensis: Nations located in Antarctica. They are conservationists.Ladonia/Sealand: They have a constitutional monarchy. They also have many aristocrats within their country.Molossia: It’s a family nation located in the US. Obsidia: It’s a matriarchy and is pro-choice when it comes to abortion.

Created by: Theophilus
  1. Which combination of subjects below is your favourite?
  2. If you were given the choice, where would you choose to live? (This is very important.)
  3. Which type of films do you prefer?
  4. What are your religious beliefs?
  5. What are your hobbies?
  6. People see you as…
  7. Imagine you were about to learn a foreign language in order to join a micronation. Apart from English, which language do you want to learn the most?
  8. Imagine you were the head of state of a micronation. Which type of micronations do you hate the most?
  9. So…Apart from that, would your micronation establish foreign relationships with other micronations?
  10. Thus…Would you considering joining the UN, if you could?
  11. At last…What’s your political affiliation? (Yes this may be the most important part when it comes to citizenship application.)
  12. How is this quiz? (Doesn’t count in your result.)

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Quiz topic: Which micronation do I belong to?
