What type of Anarchist are you?

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Anarchism can best be defined as an ideology that seeks to abolish all hierarchy. Anarchism is a radical socialist and anti-authoritarian creed that originated in 19th century France.

If you are an Anarchist then that asks the question, What type of Anarchist are you? Take this quiz to find out! I myself am not an Anarchist, I’m actually quite authoritarian but I made sure not to put any bias into this quiz.

Created by: Sure Bed
  1. How should resources be distributed
  2. What’s our stance on religion?
  3. What’s your stance on race?
  4. Should money exist?
  5. Should traditional values be upheld
  6. What’s your stance on trade unions?
  7. What is your stance on markets?
  8. What’s your stance on mutual aid?
  9. Who should Anarchists ally with
  10. What’s your stance on Nationalism?
  11. Is Communism our end goal?

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Quiz topic: What type of Anarchist am I?