What type of Communist are you?

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Communism is a political ideology that seeks to establish a Communist society. A communist society would be stateless, non-hierarchical, and moneyless. Some communists seek to establish this through authoritarianism, others don’t.

What type of Communist are you. We have ten ideological strands of Marxism/Communism you can get as results. I very much hope that you enjoy this test I made!

Created by: Sure Bed
  1. Communism can only be achieved in industrial counteies
  2. Our economy should be based on a market system
  3. Patriotism and Nationalism should be incorporated in the Revolutionary movement
  4. The Soviet Union was not Socialist but was rather State Capitalist
  5. Under the lower phase of Communism also known as Socialism the economic model the state should be centrally planned
  6. Policy 1 After the revolution should fortify in our country before spreading socialism outward. Policy 2 After revolution we should immediately start a worldwide revolution. Which is a better policy?
  7. We should have a Vanguard Communist Party that protects the revolution
  8. Our state structure should be a confederation of small worker associations in a big national or international council
  9. Who do you side with in the split of the 1st international
  10. We reject democracy (Anarchy is counted as a form of democracy)
  11. We must destroy the traces of the past civilization through a Cultural Revolution
  12. The Soviet regime was nothing but red fascism
  13. We should skip over the lower phase of Communism go straight to the higher phase of Communism
  14. We should have a gift economy
  15. We are Nationalists

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Quiz topic: What type of Communist am I?
