What type of Libright are you?

A libright is someone who leans Libertarian who is also a Capitalist. This term originated from the political compass test. This test includes everything from a Bleeding Heart libertarian to an ancap

Which type of Libright are you? Are you a Classical Liberal, Blleding-Heart libertarian, Paleo-Libertarian or some other group. Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. The state should be
  2. Welfare should be
  3. I support democracy
  4. Nationalism and Patriotism are
  5. Gay marriage should be legal
  6. Abortion should be
  7. I seek to abolish the State
  8. The state if their is one should be as small as possible
  9. I support Protectionist policies
  10. We should stay out of foreign wars

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Quiz topic: What type of Libright am I?