What type of Libleft are you

A libertarian Leftist is a Person who is Libertarian in government and Socialist in economy. The term originated in the political compass test. There are many different kinds of Libleft

Which type of Libertarian Leftist are you? To figure out the answer to this question you must do one thing. That thing is to take this test I made here.

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. The state should be abolished
  2. Trade Unions and Worker Councils should form the basis of the economy
  3. Socialism and Communism can only be achieved through Anarchism since Capitalism can only exist in the state. Marxism-Leninism is just State Capitalism.
  4. I am a Communist
  5. Marx or Proudhon
  6. The Socialist movement should emphasize Trade Unionism
  7. We should have a Market Economy using workplace democracy
  8. Revolution or Reform
  9. The state should control the media
  10. We should be a

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Quiz topic: What type of Libleft am I