What type of dragon are u?

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click one answer and that answer will be yours. try and answer them honestly because if you don't then u wont know your true dragon. I know I know u wanna get straight to the quiz. lets get started

well i had to right 2 paragraphs so yeah just don't read if u don't want to. i wonder what dragon ur gonna be a kind mudwind or an evil hivewing. enjoy!!!!

Created by: Grace Gromadzki
  1. what is ur favourite colour?
  2. were would you like to live?
  3. if you saw a scavenger what would u do?
  4. what book did u like the most?
  5. who do u like the most?
  6. witch one of these words describe u de best?
  7. if u could eat any thing right now what would it be?
  8. what would you do in ur free time?
  9. what is your favourite dragon?
  10. finery did u enjoy the quiz?

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