What Dragon are you? take quiz if you dare.

this quiz has ten random questions to see what type of dragon you are. if you answer honestly then you might be surprised. i based this test off of my wings of fire knowledge witch is quite a bit. there are no spoilers.

There are 10 questions each with about 7 possible answers. when you answer the questions answer them like i am having a conversation with you. you may end up as an animus to a lonely dragon alone. you can discover who are in the dragon world.

Created by: Roxbox:fox
  1. What word reminds you must of you home
  2. If you could have any power what would you have?
  3. when you meat some strange dragon outside your tribe what do you do first?
  4. what color do you like the most?
  5. when you got the news that sandwing war ended what did you think?
  6. if you got invited to go to the Jade Mountain academy what would you think?
  7. Scavengers?
  8. What food would you eat?
  9. I don't like you snout.
  10. Well i have to go!!

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Quiz topic: What Dragon am I? take quiz if you dare.
