What Therian Are You? | Comments

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  • I got unknown therian, I don't believe I've had an awakening as of yet and I'm very new to all of this and would like any information/advice anyone can offer. I've always been drawn to unicorns and tigers feeling myself as a dying or rare breed of "person" I've never felt quite human and even when I was a kid in school for some reason I would hiss at people that made me angry or upset and then run and hide where no one could find me and I just would like help figuring myself out

  • Hey everyone! So I've been researching a bit about therians recently and I think I might be one? I've done a few quizzes and they've all told me I'm probably a therian. I've really liked foxes since I can remember and I love spending time in forests and near lakes - stuff like that, I find it very relaxing. When I was younger I would sometimes walk around on all fours and jump on things like a fox, and I thought we all did that. I also love making random sounds (not talking, just random noises) and I don't know if that's related? Does anyone have any advice??

    Thank y'all so much!!

  • The quiz was unable to identify what my animal is, i think i am a horse therian but im not sure bc i love horses, i am confused about it, idk if i just love horses or i love horses bc i have a connection with these animals

  • Happy it doesnt know my animal but Im most likely to be a canine therian! My friend said I wasnt but I disagree now I also have dreams of being near canine animals and I was standing on 4 legs but I couldnt see what I was so I had an awaking? Can anyone reply if that was? Bye have a good day my fellow therians!

  • I got the Canine Therian and I already know I am a wolf. Thank you for this! I am 17 and started to have visions of my past life when I was 10. I had been researching for 3 years and finally knew I was a Wolf.

  • I was here to see if that got it right, which they didnt! Im not a canine Im a Slime :(

  • so i was just curious, because therians are coming up on my fyp (no hate to you guys, y'all are awesome and so brave!) and i took this test and realised how many animal like traits i have. i don't want to be a therian though. i'm christian, or at least i think so. i don't know how that works, and if i am a therian, i don't like labels. what i do?

    (i am not surprised that i got feline therian, i meow and hiss at stuff and do enjoy quads)

  • I'm very satisfied with my results! I got Feline Therian :3

    I'm a 15 (almost 16) year old trans-girl, and I recently had a dream about being in a Snow Leopard's body in the forest and I got shot by hunters. I'm completely new to this, but I guess you could say that was my "Awakening?"

  • caw caw

  • I didn't answer the gender thing bc I am not male or female

  • accurate since im a serval therian, though i do recommend to not take the results seriously, please.

  • Unknown theiran,I do find myself very unique and mysterious. I would like to be a cat if I could be sense they are self reliant on themselves and adventurous like me. Cool quiz anyways mate.


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