what should you kind of things should you buy him

this is a quiz on to see if you know what you present you should buy for your boyfriend so if you don't know what to buy for you're boyfriend than u should take this quiz it also tells u how much he likes you

this is a quiz on to see if you know what you present you should buy for your boyfriend so if you don't know what to buy for you're boyfriend than u should take this quiz it also tells u how much he likes you!

Created by: laura
  1. how long does it take him to answer your emails
  2. do you already have plans to hang out with him over winter break
  3. when you pass him in the hall he usually
  4. you're doing stage crew for the winter play does he get front row tickets to opening night or does he tell you plays just aren't his thing
  5. you're stuck at home with a nasty cold does he keep u company or keep his distance
  6. do u hang out with him on weekends
  7. you invite him to ur holiday bash does he beg u to invite his 15 closest friends too
  8. he introduces you to his friends as
  9. is he willing to do anything even watch a one-on-one marathon as long as it means spending time with you
  10. your schools winter formal is next week will u go together or figure u will meet him there
  11. ur pulling an all nighter before midterms does he stop by with starbucks
  12. after u introduce him to ur best friend he says
  13. when u call his cell does he great u with
  14. he wants to catch a movie on Saturday night when does he call
  15. you go to a movie together does he buy ur ticket

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Quiz topic: What should I kind of things should I buy him