What's your magic? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's your magic?

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  • Warrior

    You are self-sufficient, seemingly tough (but with a sentimental side people rarely see) and have a sarcastic, witty sense of humor. Your magic is warrior magic, and you fight and protect with magically enhanced speed, strength and agility. You also have the ability to 'world walk', which means you can travel the mistwolf (wolves that can evaporate into mist) magic trail that leads to everyplace on the magic web (a web that connects all of the magical world together with magic, due to the fact you have a strong connection to mistwolves. You tend to be anti-social, have a quick temper, and can sometimes be bossy, but you are incredibly loyal and encouraging when it comes down to it. If you haven't read the Avalon:Web of Magic series, I suggest you do, this will make a lot more sense!

    Thats so me!!!

  • Hey guys, I finally got an account. Since the username 'ShadowWolf' was already taken, I had to go with LoneShadowWolf, which is good too. Please comment!


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